Tuesday, April 29, 2014

No More Cooking

I'm making spaghetti. I can make spaghetti in my sleep. The sauce is simmering in the pot and Baubo stares blankly out the window because her nesting spot has been taken away. My wife and I are refinishing the counter top where she used to play and the microwave she hid behind has been removed. It will be days before the microwave is returned. Baubo hates change. But she will have to make do because she chewed through the electrical cord for said microwave and can no longer be trusted.

If I was a good bird daddy I would build her a nesting box. Which I might be, and I might do. It will be difficult to coax her into a new play area. But I think it can be done especially if I make a good designed box where she can hide and feel secure. If/when I do I will post my progress. Until then, Baubo won't be cooking with me. I'm doing my spaghetti alone.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Baubo shows up when hungry...

Baubo has the run of the house, and yes that means we have to go around behind her and clean up. She has a perch stand and loves being there, but as soon as I start cooking something she manages to show up in the kitchen. Especial for the smell of cooking red meat. I believe cooked red meat is about her favorite food next to peanut butter. It used to be pork bacon, but we have long since given up eating that in this household, and she consequently lost her taste for it.

My wife and I are painting in the kitchen, consequently we had to move the microwave. This is what we found. All of the time that we thought Baubo was innocently shredding cardboard she has also been trying to commit suicide via electrocution.

This really screws up the whole environment for Baubo because we absolutely cannot have her nesting beside the microwave as she has done for years. And just yesterday as I was cleaning her nesting area I found this!

I posted it on Instagram and told everyone that she had made a shiv. What she had actually done was swipe a steak knife that I had foolishly left on the counter top, and chewed the wooden handle completely off! I'm starting to think that her nesting/shredding days are numbered. Or, we are going to have to find an alternative. She hates perches and hates her cage even more. Maybe something completely new for her to shred in. Gonna take some creativity.

This is not an isolated incident typical to only my cockatoo. These birds are destructive! As part of their care playtime, toys, and shredding are imperative.